Thursday, June 26, 2008

I've been tagged!

I was tagged by Zoe!

Link to the person that tagged you, post the rules somewhere in your meme, answer the questions, tag six people in your post, let the tagees know they’ve been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog, let the tagger know your entry is posted.

Who is your all-time favorite author and why?
Hmm, like Zoe, I can't pick only one!

Who was your first favorite author and why?
Probably Martha Finley, I read most of The Elsie Dinsmore series when I was younger and I loved the way she described each character, and her books were very well written.

Ok, I'm gonna cheat and add another author. Walter Farley. He wrote The Black Stallion books and I loved those, I have a mostly hardcover prized collection.

Who is the most recent addition to your list of favorite authors and why?
Lemony Snicket. I've started going through A Series of Unfortunate Events and they're hysterical! He's a really funny and interesting author.

If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now, which authors would first pop out of your mouth?
Frank Peretti, Gail Carson Levine,Janette Oke, Francena H. Arnold,Lemony Snicket,
Ann Rinaldi, Ted Dekker,

Well, I don;t have 6 people to tag that haven't already been tagged.

But, I'll tag Lexi


Lexi said...

Thanks! Perfect, it's about time I ought to post again...

Hannah Noelle said...

Good job!